Here is the results of streaky bacon. Cows featured prominently throughout.
"Farmer Wilson's cows have been known to attempt very complex escape plans."-Justin
"Meanwhile, above the Midwest, the bovine biplane zoomed vengefully forward."-Jeremy
"Bessie's newly attached biplane wings made it much easier for her do dive-bomb the great lakes region."-Sasha
"Life in Wisconsin would never be the same; cows had broken free from the bondage of the dairy industry, took the skies, and unleashed their atomic fury."-Karolyn
"The World War II era fighter cows bombed what was left of Africa" -Felix
"The cow revolution in Africa was sure to succeed. But they would need more TNT...MUCH more TNT." -Karen
"The angry herd relished conquering its once feared foe with their old-timey weapons."-Lifaber
"With crinkled brow and udders slung low, flaming with intent, the bovine trio stood tall on hind legs--they'd had enough of this unwanted groping. The metal McFeelsky would be the first to go."-Olivia
"The cows danced angrily away from the fumbling, pointy-fingered milking bot."-Jeff
"The bull and cow cross-dressed into a ballerina and Charlie Chaplin to battle the rolling head with hands."
"The cross-dressing cows bared their weapons menacingly, but it was no use. Gary the body-less demon continued to scroll past them, smiling."-Tim
"Despite his sunny springtime demeanor, the devil could not earn the trust of the civilized battlecows."-Mike
"The Devil manager has a relaxing tea break with a cow demon while the rest of the demon union pickets outside." -Mooney
"Betsy the cow had the devil over for tea, despite his minions' protesting"-Roo
"The cow has gone to dine with the Devil"-Olivia