Saturday, July 4, 2009

Collaborative Limerick

Here's the rools. You get to add one line to this limerick, and one line only. Follow the standard limerick cadence and rhyme scheme, and help me make an awful poem. Just select the edit option and add to this monstrosity

A fluffy white cat named Maurice
Fell afoul of a dire cockatrice
He had tried to be stealthy
But his paws were unhealthy
And now he's a stone centerpiece

Poem is DONE. I like it. Thanks for playing.


Roo said...

where's the edit button?

Mike said...

Fell afoul of a dire cockatrice

Tim said...

...He had tried to be stealthy

Unknown said...

but his paws were unhealthy

Mike said...

And now he's a stone centerpiece.