Tuesday, October 21, 2008

John and Sara... Con't.

In fact, Char's only friend was Flu. "Flu" was short for Fluffykin, and Fluffykin was one of the family dogs. To be precise, he was the 0.3 of the family dogs. Like Char, the full name did not seem to fit him, and despite the family's best efforts to make it stick, the name had gradually shortened to Fluffy, and then finally Flu.

Flu was a mutt that the family had found in the park across the street from their house one night after dinner. They'd gone for a walk at 7:30pm after dinner had been eaten, the dishes had been washed, and the family was digesting. Beneath the bleachers surrounding the field that Caitlin played soccer on, a soft whimper had been sounding. After some coaxing, John had managed to reveal a bloody and limping puppy. John had quickly pulled off his sweater, wrapped the crippled canine in his cardigan, and the family had rushed to the vet's office.

Flu had come to live with the family after no owner could be found, and to this day, he had not grown to weigh over 5lbs. His miniature size was what designated him as 1/3 of a dog, but his attitude was far from miniscule. Char and Flu were seldom seen apart, and Flu was violently protective of the young lad.

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