Thursday, October 16, 2008

Perhaps a Poem?

Tim managed to convince me to overcome my irrational fear of Blogs and thus, I am entering the fray.  I like what is going on so far.  I would like to submit, for your reading a poem.  Tim and I were talking the other day about an interesting creative experiment.  He called it a poem explosion.  Or combustion.  Or something like that.  Here is how it works.  I submit a poem.  You take a line of my poem and create your own poem using my line as the first line.  I think this would rock the proverbial Casbah.  This is an older poem of mine.  Lets play!


Eyes shining you offer me a hand, lifting me through mire of my own making
Spirals inside rage self-righteous, you lead me to a white-washed wall
Draw a door
Let me turn the handle.  Myself.  Push through.

"You can be.  Anyone.  Do anything."
To prove your point, you built me a glass ceiling
Then shattered it, so I would be free
Laughing crystal slivers rain, crown me in glitter petal shards.
Distant and safe you watch.
I parody St. Sebastian, drip liquid rubies.

I gave you my heart, I suppose.
You gave me wings, you said.
Sewed my butterfly chest together with
Dark criss-crossed child crayons
"I have given you wings. Fly"
My breast, empty.  My wings, fluttering, fettered.

No one hears a heart when it breaks.
In silence, a storm.

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