Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Ramones do Sesame Street

I honestly don't know what came over me. I had just driven home from my grandma's when I discovered the chorus for this running through my head. "Why," I asked myself, "has no one at the Children's Television Workshop performed something like this?" At least, I'm assuming they haven't. Sesame Street hasn't created many as endearingly creative letter-based parodies of popular songs since the Coup d'Elmo.

A! O! Let’s go!
A! O! Let’s go!
A! O! Let’s go!
A! O! Let’s go!

You see them in POTATO
You see them in TOMATO
You find them in your SODA

They show up in your FAST CAR
They help you travel SO FAR
You’re driving like a ROCK STAR

A’s and O’s, everyone knows,
Are always GOOD and not BAD
They give us HATS and DOGS and CATS
They even give us MOM and DAD

Let’s get into a ROWBOAT
That’s captained by an OLD GOAT
And share a big root beer FLOAT
At the ice cream SHOP

Then drive a brand new GO CART
And buy ourselves some POP ART
Because we are very SMART

O’s and A’s deserve HOORAYS
They are the CAT’S PAJAMAS
We’re in control as we reach our GOALS
O’s and A’s give us people like BARACK OBAMA

So let’s go to MOROCCO
And buy ourselves a TACO
If we spill it we’ll just clean up
With a BROOM and MOP

Then watch a little STAR WARS
Cheer as Chewbacca ROARS
Blow the Death STAR’S TOP

A! O! Let’s go!
A! O! Let’s go!
A! O! Let’s go!
A! O! Let’s go!


Nekkid Ape said...

Mike, can I have your babies?

Mike said...

No. But if you're killed by the English, I'll ride in with an eyepatch and a grizzly beard and raise your son to be a kilted badass.

Nekkid Ape said...

I can live with that.